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Messages posted by jeka
Forum Index » Profile for jeka » Messages posted by jeka
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Hello. A screenshot may help us understand better. Thanks.
So, here is what came back from the developers:

First of all, are you sure the puzzle was copied correctly? It is highly unusual (if not impossible) for us to have an easy puzzle where one number does not appear at all (in this case there seems to be not a single instance of 3).

Second, even for a given puzzle, the solution is clearly incorrect. We'd like to be able to follow the logical steps taken, in order to pinpoint the cell where the first mistake was made, however, with the information we have, we can only show the correct solution:

By the way, here is the result of running Menu->Validate on the work in progress from the message:

So, it seems that the puzzle is valid, but your solution has mistakes.


Hello. We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. Meanwhile, if you disable the "Force GPU rendering" in "Developer Options" under device "Settings", this will fix the issue for now.
We are working on bringing them back online. You should see another one within a month. Thank you for your patience.
Unfortunately, there isn't. We are looking into making this possible, however.
Thanks for letting us know. I'll have the developers have a look. wrote:Is it possible now or are you still working on it?

Still working
kenawelape wrote:I would like to see an option where all valid pencil marks for all cells are turned on.

For this select Menu-Auto-fill

kenawelape wrote:Then, when a number is entered into a cell, the pencil marks that are rendered invalid by the selection (row, colomn, and box) are erased (true automatic operation). If a cell selection is erased, the now-valid penicl marks would re-appear.

For this go to Settings-Auto pencil and select "Both" (as in both "Erase" and "Fill"). This will erase the now-invalid pencil marks after a number is entered into a cell, as well as put it back should a number be erased.
If / when it happens again, would you mind taking a screen shot and posting it here? You can also send it to me in a private message if you like or email to

Thank you.
To be honest, we've never seen the behavior you described. We certainly don't require and don't collect that information. Where in the startup process does this happen?
Thank you for this report. We'll investigate and get back to you should additional info be required.
Thank you for letting us know. We will investigate.

If anyone else is experiencing similar issues, do let us know in as much detail as possible, especially if you are able to reproduce the problem behavior.

Thank you.
In the paid version internet is only needed to get the competition information. Other than that your ability to play will not be affected.
It would be, if we had enough interest in it, I suppose. I'll see what the developers have to say.
If I'm not mistaken the way this works is that if you already have a better time in the top 50 and another one that would also qualify on its own, but is not as good, only the best one makes it into the list.
Forum Index » Profile for jeka » Messages posted by jeka
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